Stretch it Out
Stretching every other day-or daily has many short and long term benefits!
Benefits of Stretching
- Lengthens muscles
- Maintains Flexibility–>the range of motion possible around a specific joint
- ↑ Range of motion around a joint
- ↑ Blood flow to muscles
- Release tension within joints
- Helps relax your muscles
- Reduce stress, depression, and anxiety
May also help…
- Back and orthopedic issues
- Posture
How to Stretch
- Always warm up your muscles for 10-15 minutes BEFORE you stretch Take a walk, march in place, ride a bike, just get moving!
- Ease into stretch-Don’t force
- Gently hold-Don’t bounce
- Hold each stretch 15 seconds to 1 minute
- Breathe as you stretch
- Repeat stretch if still feeling stiff
- For best results…Stretch DAILY
Warm Up
Warming up the muscles PRIOR to stretching is very important because:
- Increases blood flow within the muscles-allowing the muscles to stretch and lengthen with ease
- Lubricate the joints
- Decreases your risk of injury
2 Types of Stretch:
Dynamic: Stretching moving through a range of motion.
- During your 10-15 minute warm up
Static: Holding a stretch for
15 seconds- 1 minute
- AFTER warm up-when your muscles are warm